Eren Inci (Sabançi University)
29 de novembre de 2016, 15 hores
Seminari A, Departament d’Economia aplicada, UAB
Eren Inci (Sabançi University)
29 de novembre de 2016, 15 hores
Seminari A, Departament d’Economia aplicada, UAB
Recent evidence reveals that transportation’s improvements within metropolitan areas have a clear effect on population and job decentralization processes. Yet, very little has been said on how these improvements affect the spatial organization of the economic activity in the suburbs. This paper analyses the effects of transportation’s changes on employment subcenters formation. Using data from metropolitan Paris between 1968 and 2010, we first show that
rail network improvements cause the expected job decentralization by attracting jobs to suburban municipalities. Our main contribution is to show that the new rail transit clearly affects the spatial organization of employment through the number and size of the employment subcenters: not only does the presence of a rail station increase the probability of a suburban municipality of belonging to a subcenter by 5 to 10 %, but a 10 % increase in municipality proximity to a suburban station is found to increase its chance to be part of a subcenter by 3 to 5 %.
Garcia-López, M. A. (IEB, XREAP), Hemet, C.,Viladecans-Marsal, E. (IEB, XREAP)
This paper quantifies the impact of public employment on local labor markets in the long-run. We adopt two quantitative approaches and apply them to the case of Spanish cities. In the first, we develop a 3-sector (public, tradable and non-tradable) search and matching model embedded within a spatial equilibrium model. We characterize the steady state of the model, which we calibrate to match the labor market characteristics of the average Spanish city. The model is then used to simulate the local labor market effects of expanding public sector employment. In the second empirical approach, we use regression analysis to estimate the effects of public sector job expansions on decadal changes (1980-1990 and 1990-2001) in the employment and population of Spanish cities. This analysis exploits the dramatic expansion of public employment that followed the advent of democracy in the period 1980 to 2001. The instrumental variables’ approach thatwe adopt uses the capital status of cities to instrument for changes in public sector employment. The two empirical approaches yield qualitatively similar results and, thus, cross-check each other. One additional public sector job creates about 1.3 jobs in the private sector. However, these new jobs do not translate into a substantial reduction in the local unemployment rate as better labor market conditions attract new workers to the city. Increasing public employment by 50% only reduces unemployment from 0.156 to 0.150.
Jofre-Monseny, J. (IEB, XREAP), Silva, J. I., Vázquez-Grenno, J. (IEB, XREAP)
Simposio 2016 – Xarxa de Referència en Economia Aplicada (XREAP)
Viernes 25 de noviembre de 2016
Sala de Recepcions, Facultat d’Economia i Empresa, UB
9:00 – 9:15 – Bienvenida
Elisenda Paluzie (Decana de la Facultat d’Economia i Empresa)
Martí Parellada (Director de XREAP)
Antonio Manresa (Coordinador del Simposio)
Capitalismo global y desigualdad económica
Joan Esteban (IAE, CSIC, BGSE)
Moderador: Antonio Manresa (CREB, XREAP, UB)
Distribución de la renta, crisis económica y políticas redistributiva
Francisco J. Goerlich (IVIE, UV)
Moderador: Samuel Calonge (CREB, XREAP, UB)
Movilidad social y educación en España
Xavier Martinez Celorrio (UB)
Moderador: Raul Ramos (AQR-IREA, XREAP, UB)
11:30 – 12:00 – Pausa-café
Desigualdad de oportunidades
Xavier Ramos (UAB)
Moderador: Fernando Sánchez-Losada (CREB, XREAP, UB)
Indicadores para medir la pobreza multidimensional
Iñaki Permanyer (CED, UAB)
Moderador: Vicente Royuela (AQR-IREA, XREAP, UB)
13:30 Clausura
Sala de Recepcions, Faculty of Economics and Business, UB
C/ John Maynard Keynes 1, 08034 Barcelona
Metro L3 – Palau Reial